ISO 9001:2015
IATF 16949:2016
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 45001:2018

NRB Drawn Cup Needle Roller Bearings
27 March 2019

Drawn cup needle roller bearings typically consist of three types of components. The first is a “cup”, which is formed from flat sheet stock via metal stamping and forming operations into a housing which functions as an outer race.
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Things to Know About Tapered Roller Bearings
5 March 2019

Tapered roller bearings consist of four basic components including the cone (inner ring), the cup (outer ring), tapered rollers, and a cage (roller retainer). The cone, cup, and rollers carry the load while the cage spaces and retains the rollers on the cone. The cone, rollers and cage components of tapered roller bearings are referred to as the cone assembly.
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